Getting started with Seshat data
Loading Seshat data in Python via the Seshat API
Cliopatria polity borders dataset
Code from Seshat publication supplementary materials
Project resources: where to find them
Software tools
How to update these docs
Seshat Databank Admin
Developer’s Guide
Seshat Github repo structure
Using Django in Seshat
Adding new datasets to the Seshat database
Database backups
Database schema map
Setting up Seshat
Setting up Seshat in a local environment
Setting up Seshat in a local macOS environment
Setting up Seshat in a local Ubuntu environment
Setting up Seshat in a local Windows environment
Setting up a local Ubuntu environment on a Mac
MS Azure cloud setup with Pulumi (Alan Turing Institute)
AWS cloud setup (Complexity Science Hub)
Cliopatria shape dataset
How to add new shape datasets to the maps
API Reference
Code of Conduct and Inclusivity
Seshat Databank Admin
Setting up Seshat
Setting up Seshat in a local environment
Setting up Seshat in a local Windows environment
View page source
Setting up Seshat in a local Windows environment
TODO: Add instructions for setting up Seshat in a local Windows environment.