Seshat Databank Admin
This section of the documentation is for the Seshat Databank Admins: members of the Seshat team responsible for the maintenance and development of the Seshat codebase, database and website.
If you are new to the Seshat project, you should review these pages, in particular the Getting Started section of the Developers Guide.
You may also wish to review the team page, which includes a help section, to see who on the Seshat team can help you with various tasks.
- Developer’s Guide
- Seshat Github repo structure
- Using Django in Seshat
- Adding new datasets to the Seshat database
- Database backups
- Database schema map
- Testing
- Websites
- Setting up Seshat
- Setting up Seshat in a local environment
- MS Azure cloud setup with Pulumi (Alan Turing Institute)
- AWS cloud setup (Complexity Science Hub)
- How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on an Ubuntu 22.04 (AWS EC2 Instance)
- Setting Up AWS EC2 Instance for Seshat Backup Server
- Bringing in the Codebase
- Configure GDAL and GEOS
- Preparing the Database Arrival
- Merging the Codebase and the database
- Load the shape data
- Testing Gunicorn’s ability to serve our Project
- Setting up a domain and SSL certificate
- Cliopatria shape dataset
- How to add new shape datasets to the maps