

Activate your project python environment. Then install all the required test packages:

$ pip install -r requirements/tests.txt

Running tests locally

First, make sure the Seshat repo root directory is in your PYTHONPATH:

$ export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/seshat"

Then use the Django test interface to run tests for apps:

$ python manage.py test <app name> --keepdb

Replace <app name> with the app’s full name (e.g. seshat.apps.core) (or leave this setting entirely off to run all tests).

The --keepdb flag ensures you can rerun tests quickly if the setup hasn’t changed.


GitHub actions is set up to run on this repo. It uses a custom Docker image that gets built on every push or PR to dev if the Dockerfile has changed.

See .github/workflows and the Dockerfile. The tests (.github/workflows/tests.yml) and any subsequently introduced workflows should always run on push/PR to dev.

To set up pushing the docker image using the GH action workflow, I first did the following:

  • Generated a new GitHub token with the read:packages and write:packages scopes. Under my Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens (classic token).

  • Stored the GitHub token as a secret in the Seshat GitHub repository, Settings > Secrets, named GH_TOKEN.

Adding new tests

TODO: Add instructions for adding new tests.