Project resources: where to find them

This page provides a list of resources related to the Seshat project, what they are and where to find them. This includes publications, code repositories, datasets, websites and shared drives.

Seshat websites explained

  1. is the Seshat data website.

    • Here you can log in as an admin, researcher, Seshat expert or public user to access Seshat data via the website or API.

    • This site is managed by the Seshat Databank Admins; primarily Majid Benam. See the team page for more info.

  2. is a test website which looks and behaves like the Seshat data website, but is used for testing new features before they are deployed to the main website.

  3. is the project information website.

    • This provides external facing information about the Seshat project, its goals, and the team behind it.

    • This site is managed by Elizabeth Hempstead at the University of Oxford. Contact Pieter Francois to make changes to this site. See the team page for more info.

Academic publications

A full list of academic publications associated with the Seshat project team is available at

Third party publications


Scale and information-processing thresholds in Holocene social evolution

GitHub organisation

The Seshat project has it’s own organisation on GitHub at Here you can find public repositories for the Seshat website and documenatation, the Seshat API Python package and the Cliopatria dataset.

There is a second GitHub organisation at which contains some repositories containing data and/or scripts for generating data for Seshat publications and data downloads (see below).


Data downloads & code

Navigate to the Replication datasets page for a list of datasets associated with the Seshat project, download links and links to code repositories that can reproduce the methodology used to generate the data downloads.

Navigate to the Code from Seshat publication supplementary materials page for a list of Seshat projects which include re-usable anaylysis scripts hosted on GitHub, Zenodo and OSF.

Methods and codebook

The project information website contains information on the methods used to collect and encode data for the Seshat Global History Databank.

Shared drives

See the backup page for the shared drive used to store backups of the Seshat database.